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  • For Admissions Process
  • +91 04842656388 +91 7549999196 +91 7559999197 admission@jbasc.ac.in
  • Support
  • admission@jbasc.ac.in



The name "Jaibharath" creates a happy, versatile, and expressive nature, along with good judgement and a fine sense of responsibility. These qualities enable individuals with this name to establish congenial relationships in positions of trust, particularly when dealing with the public.


Jai Bharath aims to create an institution committed to academic excellence, producing students with the ability to think critically, creatively, become technologically literate, and communicate effectively. It also seeks to serve society by providing affordable, quality higher education to all at all times.


Empowering students with innovative and techno savvy, learning, teaching, mentoring, peer and co interaction, experiential learning, industrial visits, yoga, meditation, and a variety of personal development programs for the realization of the abundant potential of individuals. Jai Bharath envisages creating a teaching and research-oriented institution of higher-level learning. Jai Bharath provides the needs of the students to pursue their education goals, facilities to determine the direction of their profession and a respectable position in the community and society with superior intellectual and working skills. Jai Bharath aims to explore, develop and apply human and technological capabilities for the benefit of the regional, national and international community. Also aim to develop culture, character and competence. And to make students responsible and useful citizens of the country